⇀ Filmmaker & Storyteller


You have been planted, and there is no going back.


I see you,
coyly trying to mask your brilliance.
Your seeds of creativity
tucked away in secrecy
waiting for the opportunity
to germinate beyond passivity.

The “not yet”s and “what if”s
clouding your inner childlike instinct
to share, with non-attachment.
To be vulnerable, without hesitation.

You have been seen,
and there is no undoing that.
So take off the cloak of self doubt
and reveal yourself,
with all that depth,
in all your vastness.

Your art is an extension of you.
So keep extending, keep expanding,
until your toes and finger tips
have reached the furthest they can
and you feel yourself nestled
down into the soil.

You have been planted,
and there is no going back.
I can’t wait to smell and taste
the flowers and fruit
that will grow from your potentiality.

— musings on uplifting one another.

Photo by the incredibly talented Lung Liu.

Jen Muranetz